Tension Headaches

If you're frequently waking up with tension headaches or developing headaches throughout the day, you should seek headache treatment from a chiropractor. At Lone Tree Chiropractic in Lone Tree, CO, we can help you keep your tension headaches under control. 


What Causes Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches cause mild to moderate pain. In addition to pain, one of the most notable symptoms of a tension headache is a sensation that feels like a tight band is wrapped around the head. These headaches can be caused by many factors, including:

  • Elevated stress levels: When people feel stressed or anxious, their neck muscles can tighten, which can be a trigger for a tension headache. 
  • Sleep disturbances: A lack of sleep is another common source of muscle tension in the neck. People may also develop tension headaches when the neck is not properly supported during sleep. 
  • Sedentary lifestyles: Sitting for a long period can cause you to slump forward, leading to tense muscles in the neck and shoulder. This can lead to chronic tension headaches.
  • Jaw clenching: Grinding teeth and clenching the neck can cause the muscles in the face and neck to tense up. These behaviors frequently occur during sleep. 

While some tension headaches last for around 30 minutes, other people may experience longer bouts of pain. A person is considered to have chronic tension headaches if they experience headache symptoms for 15 or more days each month. 

Why Chiropractic Care Is an Effective Headache Treatment

Visiting a chiropractor is one of the best ways to get headache relief, especially if you're struggling with chronic tension headaches. While a chiropractor can treat the pain caused by headaches, your treatments will also find and address the issues that are causing your headaches. During treatment, our chiropractor can use a variety of techniques to relieve tension in your neck muscles and improve the function of your nervous system. 

Tight muscles in the neck, upper back, and shoulders are frequent causes of headaches. Chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue work can relax your muscles and reduce inflammation throughout these parts of the body. Our chiropractor can also work to improve your posture and strengthen your neck muscles, leading to fewer and less severe tension headaches.

Get Tension Headache Relief from Our Chiropractor in Lone Tree, CO

Whether you're dealing with chronic or episodic tension headaches, chiropractic care can lower the frequency and intensity of your headaches. Lone Tree Chiropractic can address issues contributing to your headaches, giving you the relief you deserve. Contact us at (720) 874-0500 if you're ready to make an appointment!

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